Grekwood Miniatures

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Zombie Masters... and other beings... coming shortly

Masters for the current batch of 28mm figures arrived today. So they have been sprayed white to show up the detail a bit better (silver is too reflective!). So, without any further delay, here they are:

4 Zombie nurses with "normal" zombie heads. Nice, how badly do you want these lovely ladies to look after you?!? haha

and  now for the behind shot...

 Some demon people. Kinda zombie like, just without arms flapping about. So they have a "straight jacket" appearance.  Their expanded chest has caused the front to tear open, making it a weak spot...or a weapon which squirts out infection?!?

... now for their behind shot...

Now for those mutants with guns! I like these, I know I sculpted them so I should like them right? But it's one of those things where you sculpt something and think...yeah, I really like them. I think I like the amount of detail I managed to put on them, and just because they were something different for me to sculpt.

So...behind shot, tubes everywhere, butts handing out...ummm.. yeah...

Ok that's those sorted for now. I assume that the production castings will be in my hands in the next week or two, but we'll have to wait and see. So I'l update when I know something. But for now, it's one step closer.

Once again, thank you for looking, feel free to use the photos to show friends and people who may like them. All comments are welcome as always. I will give an update on the Hospital beds and building next week. Cheers!


  1. i cant wait to get my hands on those ghoulish nurses!

  2. Very nice mate well done, they look brilliant

  3. Looking pretty nice. Good work mate!

    I will be getting my hands on these nurses...So to speak!

    1. hehe Cheers! I'll update as soon as I have the production lot!

  4. Very nice, Carl, and i look forward to purchasing the new zombie nurses.

    I'd like to give you a heads up to check my blog this coming Sunday, as that's when I plan to review the rest of your hospital zombies.

    1. Oh cool! Cheers for letting me know, I'll make sure to check it out :)

  5. Those Nurses are excellent. I like the Mutants, too.

  6. Everything looks great. I like the zombie nurses best of course, but they all look good to me.
    Keep em coming.

  7. The mutants with guns are really a step further in details! I like the backs, especially :D. And those bulky eyes on the nurses are doing the job, imo. Thats how my father looks like when he gets mad! :D

    1. Thanks! That's what I thought. They were the last thing I sculpted, so hopefully the net batch of zombies I am going to start working on soon will have more detail :)

      Haha yeah the nurses do have bulky eyes. I noticed a lot of people painted them pure white, so it'll make it easier as they pop out a if their skin has started shrinking!

  8. Damn fine work Carl! I'll have to get some of the nurses for my clinic!

    1. Hehe, they will be an excellent addition! :)

  9. Nurses are really good, they would make a great addition to the horde
