Grekwood Miniatures

Saturday, 14 July 2012

28mm Hospital Ward Complete!

This is the 3rd prototype, but I think it is the final one. I made the room at the back wider for a couple of reasons: Figures on a 25mm base take up a floor area of 5ft x 5ft, rather than what a real human takes up, about 2ft x 1ft. So a room scale room at 9ft x 9ft can only fit one figure in, whereas in real life it can fit quite a few people. So this was my first problem to overcome. I had to make some of the rooms (day room area/storage room and toilet) a lot larger to fit figures in. So, for example, the storage room is double the size of what it should be to compensate for bases. So it's no longer "true" scale, but it is visually better, and more playable for a game. Ok, now the fun part, here's some piccys!

Overall view of one ward. Notice the back part has been made bigger because of the reasons started above. It is actually more like the shape of the hospital I am basing it on (Llandough Hospital).

Bigger windows in the day room, with an emergency exit in the middle image.

I also created wall corner pieces to cover up joins and awkward corners. It helps make it look more detailed. It's a pain to cut out though, well, more boring that anything lol

Photo 3: So "cool" angle shots... I mean "artistic" shots :P Pretty much jst showing the basic layout. A front desk will be pt where the black figure is. The the small room will have a shower and a toilet/sink in it. There will be enough room to fit a figure, I mean you don't get people sharing toilets!

A closer view of the day room area. The large carpeted area is the day room. It'll have a couple of sofas and a tv in it. The room where banana man is in will be a storage room. I'll be making cupboard out of resin to fit in this room. Finally the small room is a toilet. Big enough to fit one figure in. Again, we don't share toilets!

Another angle to show the emergency fire exit door (with signs!). As the wards will be upstairs, I plan to make a little staircase to go up to them.

Finally a birds eye view of the ward... just because!

Something a bit different. This is the floor plan idea that I have come up with and I am building. The wards will be on the 1st floor (2nd floor depending where you live.) The ground floor (or first floor) will have the entrance area, x-ray dept, outpatients and so forth. It is designed so that the building can be as many levels as you like :)

Ok that's it for now. I should get back to design work or building or something...

Cheers again for any comments and for reading!


  1. Wow, just WOW !

    You seem to have produced this in no time flat and it looks great.

    The finished model will look amazing.

    1. Cheers! I haven't been sculpting for the past few weeks, so that's probably why it was created quickly :P

  2. I agree with Joe, you really got lightning speed there!

    And again, I also think wider end looks better, just to add some variety if not for the practical reasons.

    1. I'm quicker than "The Flash" know, that superhero?? lol

      Yeah it looks much better, less rectangular!

  3. Oh, yeah, it's coming to life now! I'm very impressed with how this is developing. What can I say but keep up the great work, Carl!

  4. Beautiful job. I love the attention to detail and the overall plan looks very good. I wonder how hard it would be to model curtains between beds?

    1. Thank you! Curtains... not sure, will have to think about how I could make them, I'm sure it can be done though...with some planning!

  5. Well done mate its fantastic, I'm having fun with scale issues myself so understand the difficulty. Good Job!

    1. Cheers Brummie! Yeah scale models just aren't practical for gaming, so a little tweeking here and there is neccessary! :)

  6. Really great work. It would be interesting to see another ward thats a bit grubbier. Maybe where theres been a scuffle with some zeds. Blood pools, bullet holes, smashed windows etc.

  7. Very Very Nice Rovanite, the ward looks very sweet, great job, cant wait to see more.

  8. Splendid work Carl! Thoroughly impressed!
