Grekwood Miniatures

Saturday, 1 December 2012

10% Discount, and Zombie WIP Photo!

In the spirit of Christmas I have decided to give a 10% discount on a couple of items. They include all sculpting putties, glues/conditioner pens, ball bearings and Trees.

Much of our stuff is already discounted or it is sold relatively cheap, so it's really difficult finding stuff to discount without loosing money. So the trees, being the most expensive items on the website, seem like a good idea to discount, along with the putties as every sculptor/converter needs putties. Glues and ball bearings are just random additions... glue is always useful right?! Also... good glue (which it is) is even better :)

So spread the word if you know of anyone who may be interested in any of those items. Offer ends December 20th.

On a side note, we are working on making some other roads printouts. We are designing ones with paved pavements (instead of tarmac), cobble stone roads etc etc We are thinking of selling them for about £1.50 for 6 road sections and a cool documentation written by me. It's probably worth mentioning that I haven't created the road sections. My dad decided to make some for a wargame he's planning with the zombies. So I've been the printing and testing guy, whilst he's put them together.

Finally, here is some more zombie WIP of two different characters. One is a "Fish Monger" and the other is a general workman/cleaner with a long overcoat. He is bald, and has some sticky out teeth :P

Any thoughts about what he should be dragging (if anything)... I was thinking a fish, but I might leave his hands bare.

Click to ZooOOMM

Until next time, thanks for reading! :)


  1. Looking pretty good !!!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. How about having the fish monger holding a gaff hook with a fish on it dragging on the ground? The gaff hook is a tool used by folks moving large fish.

    Very nice sculps too! I think these are your best yet!

    1. Thank you for the compliment!! Good idea, I'll have to see how he turns out first, and see if he really needs anything or not :)

  4. Hah, I must say I really love the faces on those two. Especially the right one.

    And...well...nice wire. Love the color :D

    1. Cheers Mathyoo, I'm getting that I quite like sculpting faces :) Ah yes, my nice bright green wire hehe I like to think that wire is unique to me. It's not the usual wire people use for sculpting with!

  5. Your supermarket sculpts are coming along in leaps and bounds; the faces are really good too.
