Grekwood Miniatures

Sunday, 23 June 2013

Redesigned Front Page

I decided to change up the front page of the website. I thought that people may not scroll down to read the "What's New?" section, so I have decided to bring this to the top of the page. I also wanted to keep the large "promo" photo at the top too. So, I have shifted it all around as shown below:

There will now be 3 images instead of one. The top two will showcase new-ish stuff, whilst the bottom one will show random older things which are still cool :P

Each image will change randomly when the "refresh" button is clicked. Sometimes it may not appear to change because it's random, so something can be chosen more than once. You can't click on the images, but the text on them shows where to find them.

The right hand column shows the "What's New?" stuff, which is now more visible without scrolling down.

On another note:
A few days ago my wife went into hospital to have a second/final operation to put everything right. She's doing well and should be home in the next day or two. So yay!

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Zombies, Aliens, Humans, and a Banana Man

Hi guys!

Apologies for the delay in getting a Blog out there and for not getting around the blogs as much as I should!! I've been very busy with personal things as well as the business stuff.

I have been up to quite a bit, which most of you probably know already through newsletters or Facebook, but here it all is for the past month-ish with some future plans:

New Releases since the Werewolves: Click photos to zoom!

1) The Tenderiser

2) 4 Resin Vehicles

3) Bexi Warrior Princess (painted and unpainted)

4) Space Ranger

Coming in July/August:

5) Latest additions from Crooked Dice: "Time Lost Detectives".

6) Zombie Bust (possibly)

7) Some Sci-Fi plastic miniatures... but more on those closer to the time :P

8) Extended Bioblyte range: Will include runners with claws, and alien army with guns.

Ok, so that's the plan for the next couple of month/releases. I'll send out a news letter as and when they are available.

No photos for number 7 and 8, and it's a little top secret and 7 isn't 100% confirmed yet, but hopefully will be soon.

All items can be found on our website:


Win a Painted Hasslefree Resin Master for Charity:

Finally, but by no means least, Hasslefree have donated a resin master figure and Ben Brownlie, has painted it up (to a very high standard) and is now auctioning it off in memory of my brother Gareth (aka Grekwood). All money raised will go to the CGD (Chronis Granulomatous Disorder) Society Charity, which deals with research into cures and medications to help people with CGD.

CGD is a rare immune system disorder which leaves the individual unable to fight certain infections and can often be life threatening.

A £5 donation gets you 1 ticket in the "hat", and a donation of £10 or more gets you 3 tickets. Auction will take place on the 24th of June (i think), but you have until the 23rd to donate.

All donations can be made here:

PLEASE leave your name and/or blog name so we can contact you if you win.


Before I sign out, I would just like to wish Bryan (aka Vampifan) a speedy recovery, and I hope we will see him back very soon!

Cheers everyone :)