Grekwood Miniatures

Sunday, 7 October 2012

Hospital PDF Coming Next Week!!

I have been working extremely hard to get the documentation for the PDF Hospital finished. It's almost there.

Below is a screen show (from MS Word) which shows the documentation/instructions. It is about 23 pages long. I know this probably sounds crazy, but I made it as detailed as possible as not all customers have English as their first language. Therefore there are step by step photographs as well as a description.

It is quite a big build (even though it is a small hospital... I plan to bring out expansion packs/apocalyptic versions). It tells you how to build two full wards, two hallway end pieces, a center entrance piece, and finally some entrance steps, not to forget all the different roofing pieces to go with it. Remember, you don't have to print it out as the images can be zoomed in on when on a computer!

I am in the process of designing some signs which will be on a separate page for people to cut out and stick where they want. I want them separate so when they are glued in place, they can be stuck to the wall however you want, for example: at an angle, with an edge curled up and so forth. It's a bit of personalisation. I also have multiple door signs, so people can choose if they want one room to be a storage room or a kitchen or even a staff room or office.

I think on Wednesday I will be heading to my parents to photograph the 2 ward hospital with some proper scenery. We opened up a few bags of trees (from our tree range here: Grek Trees), so we can make a bit of a woods in the background on the image. Once this has been done, I should be ready to upload it to the internet! I have been advised that for this size and complexity, I should charge about £4, but it will be postage free of course.

We are currently in the process of casting some more hospital beds as we have almost run out. I'm also trying to promote the page on Facebook as much as I can, so if you are on Facebook, remember to "like" and share it to anyone who may be interested.

Cheers, and have a great day!


  1. I'm all stoked up for the release of this set, Carl.

    1. Hehe, I've been putting some final touches to it today (signs and stuff).

  2. I don't build paper scenery myself, as my printer is just black and white (good enough for all the essays!), but again, it is really nice to see you expanding your business with different items! Neither can I comment the price, but if you'd calculate all the work you've put into designing, building and even documenting it step-by-step, 4 pounds sounds pretty reasonable.

    Also, nice to hear you got the good "problem" of stock running out!

    1. Yeah the beds seem to have been a success with people! I still have quite a decent amount of figures left in stock, but I might have to get some more made soon :)

  3. Good News Carl! 4 quid sounds almost TOO reasonable too me, but wait until after I've bought it to put the price up! ;)

    It sounds like you are putting an enormous amount of effort into this model Carl, and I can't wait to get my grubby little mitts on it!

    Thank-you for producing it!!

    1. Haha! I was thinking of selling it for more than £4, but as it is just the basic building (no furniture inside), £4 seemed decent when compared to other PDF buildings out there.

      As mentioned before, I'll be bringing out "add-on" packs for this, so keeping the cost low will hopefully encourage people to buy the add-ons rather than just the basic hospital (unless that's all they want):P
