Grekwood Miniatures

Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Displays and Resin!

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I bought some stands the other day so that when/if I go to shows next year I can display the figures nicely. I went with mirrored "step" displays as I want people to see what the figures look like from behind as well as the front. The horizontal part where the figures are will be decorated as mini "diorama" type areas, so road surfaces, grass areas, tiled floors, all depending on what figures are there.

Still no news on those production figures... I'm actually starting to fall behind of production schedule now :( It's a bit annoying as I was hoping to have them back last month, but it's out of my control.

I have been thinking of going down a resin master route. It won't change anything from a customer point of view as I will still sell metal figures (more weighty so you feel like you have more for your money), but the actual master figures which are used to create the production moulds will be made out of resin instead of metal.

This is the process: I make a "green" (or grey if you use procreate), which is then sent to a caster who makes a "master mould" of the green, and then the metal figures which are cast from the master mould are used to create a production mould. The moulds are made under extreme pressure so slight (ever so slight, almost not noticeable) shrinkage happens.

With resin, I think the green is turned into resin, and then that resin figure is used to create a production mould, so hopefully reducing any shrinkage. Also, resin photographs better for a website which might mean I may not need them painted as often.

The main reason is I think it would be cheaper to do the master figures this way, but I'm not 100% sure.

Anyway, that's it for now!


  1. Firstly great news that you might start going to shows. Always nice to see things in the flesh.

    I am a show Organiser, (Broadside in Kent) while I would be more than happy to send you an invite, I feel the distance would be against you for our show at this time. But please bere us in mind for the future.

    1. That's cool, but as you say the distance is against me currently. I'm probably going to start with local ones (such as Crusade) here in Cardiff. I'm having trouble contacting them though, they don't reply to emails (maybe it's too early?!). I will definitely keep you in mind for the future as we expand! :D
